This isn’t the history you’re looking for…

Who knew that George W. Bush styled himself a Jedi of Obi-Wan’s caliber? It seems that Bush, in his last days, is doing what he can to “revise” history by spouting lies and misdirecting the truth. Well, ok, it’s not just Bush.. It’s the Bush Legacy Project, courtesy of none other than Karen Hughes and Karl Rove. No, no.. not the Bush Legacy Tour… That was the anti-Bush thing. The Project is a pro-Bush thing.

So what’s the big deal? Well, let’s see now.. Remember back in 2002 when Bush basically declared that the Taliban had been defeated? Well, he didn’t. No really, he never said that. I swear!

Umm.. Oh yeah. Iraq. You know, that little war we’ve been involved in? Only a sparse 4000+ dead Americans as a result? Possibly over 1,000,000 Iraqis dead? Now, I don’t generally have the best memory in the world, but I’m fairly certain that we invaded Iraq because we were after those WMDs that Saddam had. Remember? Oh wait.. No.. that wasn’t it. Oh, right. God TOLD Bush to invade. No, wait, we would have invaded anyway. No.. no, that’s not it either. We definitely would have used more diplomacy.. Yeah, that’s it. Besides, Bush totally stands by what he did.

Interesting how history changes over time, eh? Of course, maybe he wanted to invade Iraq the whole time? I ran across this article and it led me to this interesting quote from the 2000 presidential debate between Bush and Gore:

The coalition against Saddam has fallen apart or it’s unraveling, let’s put it that way. The sanctions are being violated. We don’t know whether he’s developing weapons of mass destruction. He’d better not be or there’s going to be a consequence, should I be the president.

But, well.. That’s Iraq. Water under the bridge…

Water… water… oh! Abu Ghraib! That torture place! You know, where the water boarding took place, but totally wasn’t sanctioned by the United States. Of course, it was totally Rumsfeld’s fault.

Does Bush really think that Americans are that stupid that we can just forget everything that happened? I mean, seriously, what the hell? Well, as you can see, some of us see through the bullshit he spews. Hopefully you do too.

What else can we rewrite? Maybe it wasn’t shoes that were thrown at the recent press conference, it was fuzzy bunny slippers!

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