Trouble in the sandbox…

Politics never ceases to amaze me. Why is it that the more power a person is going to lose, the more they start acting like a snot-nosed brat? There are exceptions, of course, but the current status of US politics is absolutely insane.

Let’s start with the fun one, the Illinois Governor. Come on, let’s get real. Unless Blagojevich has some big fucking trump card, he’s toast. Let’s take a quick look at what’s known at this point. First, this guy has been under surveillance for years and has been accused of all manner of wrongdoing. Then he’s taped by the FBI discussing the senate seat left vacant by Obama. Statements such as the following:

“I’ve got this thing and it’s fucking golden, and, uh, uh, I’m just not giving it up for fuckin’ nothing. I’m not gonna do it. And, and I can always use it. I can parachute me there.”

Seriously, what the hell was he thinking? Well, ok, he was looking forward to a nice retirement with all that cash he’d get from “selling” the seat. Nice try, jackass. And now he claims that he’s innocent and did nothing wrong.

And based on what is currently public, I agree with him. Talking about it is probably not illegal. Stupid as all hell, but not illegal. However, it does shed a whole new light on his ethics and seriously calls into question his ability to govern. So, it looks like they’re going to try to impeach him, and rightly so.

So what does this moron do next? In a complete dick move, he appoints someone to the senate seat. Sure, it’s technically his job, but he was already told that his pick would not be accepted. Why do it then? To throw another wrench in the process, most likely. So he names Roland Burris as the successor to Obama. Supposedly this guy is squeaky clean, though he couldn’t really give an answer as to how much money he gave to Blagojevich’s campaign… And to make life even more fun, Bobby Rush, an Illinois congressman, just happened to be at the Burris announcement and decided to throw race into the equation by noting that without Obama, there would be “no African American in the United States Senate.”

Ok, look, I’ve talked about racism before. Racism sucks and I definitely don’t condone it. But come on, we now have a black president and you’re going to start whining about an absence of blacks from the senate? Jesus Christ! Get over it already and let’s try appointing someone who is qualified for the job based on what he knows rather than what color his skin is.. Granted, I don’t know a lot about Burris, but for Rush to jump at the chance to applaud his blackness makes me wonder.

Ok, so that’s one, how about another? Oh yeah, Minnesota. What the hell is going on there? Well, it’s a really close race. Ok, fine, but now we have a winner, right? Well, kinda. Sure, he won the recount. A recount that was forced, by law, by the way. The problem is that apparently there are some rather moronic voters. No, not just in Minnesota, I’m sure they’re everywhere. And Minnesota has laws on record for how to handle recounts, and challenged ballots. The long and short is that initially, Franken lost by a few votes, but after the recount, he won by a few votes. Coleman, the guy who lost, has vowed to drag this through court.

Again.. COME ON! Christ, you lost, get over it. This seems to happen every time there’s a close vote. Look, there’s absolutely no way to be 100% sure who won because people are complete fucking morons and can’t do something as simple as color in a little circle. No matter what kind of ballot you put in front of people, someone will fuck it up. And then we get to sit and watch as ballots are challenged and seemingly insane judgements are made about them. Hell, some of the ballots that clearly had one or the other candidate chosen were rejected because they has “identifying marks” on them. I guess the idea is that you can “prove” you voted some way, thus selling your vote, or you can be tracked down because of those marks. Of course, we leave marks on everything we touch… Fingerprints, DNA, etc. Easier and easier to track someone.. But still, do we need to get this detailed? If you weren’t flashing these idiotic ballots all over, no one would be able to identify them…

Look, it’s just like anything else. There’s a winner and a loser. All you accomplish by bitching and whining is proving to everyone that you’re a whiny bitch. So cut it out already and get on with life.

Gah.. politics.. what a pain in the ass.

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