Racist Pigs!

Full Disclosure Alert : I’m white.

A buddy of mine passed along this link, remarking on how he had been expecting this for some time. Racism. Unreal. Go read the article, I’ll wait…

So? What’d you think? Yeah.. Racism is getting a little ridiculous now. Black Hole. It’s an astrolonomical term, most likely coined because .. oh, I don’t know.. It was a hole in the sky and it was black? You know, black. The color? Absence of light? Let’s take a look at the definition of a black hole :

“A black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even light, can escape its pull after having fallen past its event horizon.” – Wikipedia

Ok, so it’s basically this phenomenon where stuff goes in and nothing comes out. Ok, cool. So, if I were to, say, refer to a collections office as a black hole, especially when the topic of conversation has something to do with paperwork vanishing, what would you think I was talking about? Can you honestly think I was being racist? What the hell do you think I meant? A hole full of blacks? A black asshole? What?

Then there’s this quote from the article which just has me shocked:

“I think people should always be careful. You know, I’m okay if I’m ‘bartering’ with you. … But if I try to ‘Jew you down,’ Oooooh. Is that racist? I thought it meant the same thing? No, maybe it doesn’t.”

Hrm.. Bartering.. Ok, trading stuff. Now.. Jew you down. Wow.. yeah, that’s definitely referring to the Jewish culture. Why? Well, there’s this notion that the Jewish are frugal. So, if you were to Jew someone down, you would be trying to get the lowest price for something. However, this does refer directly to an ethnicity, with the intention of referring to it, rather than being a common word such as black.

But let’s take this a tad farther. Racism is getting a bit out of hand. It’s like I hear something new every day about it. But, you know what? It’s always the same people, from the same races/ethnicities that are crying. I’m pretty sure I can count, on one hand, the number of times I’ve heard about racism against non-blacks. Seriously. Does it happen? Probably. But, either they’re not vocal enough, or they just get over it. Yes, I realize that blacks have this long history of slavery and persecution, but that’s in the past. Sure, there are racists in the world, from every ethnicity, but they aren’t nearly as violent as they were long ago. And, to be honest, as much as the black culture cries about racism, they don’t exactly do a lot to improve their image. Sure, it’s all us white-folk keeping them down. That’s why you never see well-to-do chinese, latino, or japanese folk… Oh wait… Well, then they must be in on it too, right?

Seriously, get over it. Look, you’re black. Fine. I get it. Guess what? I’m white. Can’t do anything about it. Personally, I couldn’t care less if you were green or purple. I’ve had plenty of non-white friends, and I still do. But seriously, I’m tired of hearing you cry about it. Guess what. I’ve been persecuted against too! Seriously! Applied for a job and didn’t get it. Why? Because they had to “fill their quota” at the time. was more than qualified for the job, and would have had it, but the law said the needed to hire minorities. Well shit, that sucks. So, I’m out of a good job, even though I’m more qualified. So what did I do? Complained a little, but in the end, I applied elsewhere. I got on with life.

You know, I realize that back when slavery was legal, white’s owned a shit-ton of black slaves, but guess what? Yeah, black’s owned slaves too. So don’t give me any of the high and mighty bullshit. My great grandparents came to the states AFTER slavery. And I’ve never owned a slave of any color.

You know what I believe? Racism is an excuse. Yeah, an excuse to drift through life and give up every time something doesn’t go your way. Oh, I did poorly in class this year, damn racist teachers. Oh, I didn’t get that job, damn racist company. Oh, I should get something for free because you disagree with me, or you offended me. Christ, people, get over it already! Yeah, it hurts. But then you realize that you can just move on and let it go, and life gets better. Stop wallowing in self pity and start respecting yourself. Be happy to be black, latino, chinese, whatever. Be happy with who you are. If you’re not, figure out why you’re not and fix it. You know, 50 or 100 years ago, I would agree with you. But now? No way. Stop crying and get on with life, dammit.

2 thoughts on “Racist Pigs!”

  1. Ah, life.  Life is interesting, and ironic at times.  Why just the other day I posted this long rant about racism, and then I was treated to a very interesting episode of Without a Trace over the weekend…  After some searching, I’ve discove

  2. Politics never ceases to amaze me. Why is it that the more power a person is going to lose, the more they start acting like a snot-nosed brat? There are exceptions, of course, but the current status of US politics is absolutely insane. Let’s start with th

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