Societal Drain

What is it about some people that refuse to be productive members of society? I’m not talking about people with valid disabilities, who are incapable holding jobs. In fact, many of those people try to be independent, at least as much as they can. No, I’m talking about the utterly useless people who do everything they can to get government assistance and remain on it forever.

Let’s look at an example, shall we? I know of a couple with a few small children. They are on welfare and receive housing assistance. The husband can’t work because he’s on disability. The wife can’t work.. umm.. well, I have no idea why she can’t work other than laziness. Well, she actually does work, but she calculates her hours and income to ensure that they can stay on welfare and still receive the maximum tax return each year. They get medical assistance from the government as well.

Ok, so maybe they have a legitimate excuse for all of this. Or, maybe not. The husband is on disability because he has a mental condition that prevents him from holding a job. Mind you, he’s been working under the table for the same person for over a year now. But, the government has classified him as unable to work, and given him a handicap parking spot! A fucking handicap parking spot! He has a MENTAL issue, not a physical issue. If his MENTAL issue is that bad to need a handicap spot, then what the hell is he doing with a drivers license?

But it gets worse! Apparently she’s depressed and has a bad image of herself. So, the doctor (paid by medical assistance!) has prescribed anti-depressants. Ok, that’s valid. Oh yeah.. and diet pills. And acne cream. What the hell? My tax dollars are paying for these medications, purely because she’s a lazy slob who’s too busy plotting ways to keep her government support than to get a job? Christ, lady, how about you stop stuffing your face all day and you go get a job?

Well, maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m just being too harsh. Maybe I have a problem with them and I just want to make it look like they’re lazy when they really do have a problem. Well, I do have a problem with them, but I think it’s pretty justified. Have I mentioned that she GLOATS about her ability to do all of this? Actually tells people about how she can manipulate the system and end up with big screen TVs, new vehicles, and just about anything else she wants? Feeling sick yet?

These type of people are an absolute blight on society. They drain away the money intended for people who actually NEED it. The single mother trying to take care of her family, all because her husband died in a freak accident. How about the single father caring for his family after his wife died in some godforsaken war that the government felt compelled to fight? These people bust their asses to get by, and many of them have to do it without government assistance because the system has been twisted so much that those who truly need help rarely get it.

I think it’s high time that the system was fixed. How about the welfare people start doing inspections? How about truly investigating when a complaint is filed? How about kicking the lazy ones to the curb and letting them fend for themselves. Not to worry, Darwin will get them eventually.

These people make me sick. I have family and friends who were unable to get assistance when they needed it, yet we have people like the couple above who gloat about their ability to fuck the system. Where’s the justice in that?

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