Dear Congress,

Healthcare. Pass it. It’s about fucking time already.

Hey Democrats, grow some balls. You have a majority, try using it. Republicans don’t want to play ball? Fuck ’em. Seriously. They’re leading you on, playing games, and making you all look like asses. They’re saying one thing, acting on something else, and attacking you at every opportunity.

We have a bill. It’s not perfect, and it never will be. We have a bill that the CBO says will not sink the country. They go on to say that it will actually cut the deficit by $81 billion. The bad news, though, is that it is not universal healthcare as it would only cover 94% of the population. It’s better than what we have now, though, which is jack shit.

But, there’s no public option, which the CBO says would save even more. That doesn’t stop the jackasses on the right, though, as they still find a way to bitch and moan. But who the hell cares what they think. Without a public option, the insurance companies win. Period. There is no happy ending, there is no silver lining. Without a public option, the insurance monopolies will continue to be able to bend you over the table and have their way with you. Hope you like insurance rate hikes, because after all the money they’re spending on fighting healthcare reform, they’ll need to recoup it somewhere..

So do us all a favor, congress. Grow some balls. You have a majority, pass the goddamn bill already. And make damn sure it has a public option. I’ll gladly help pay for someone else’s medical bills if it means my own will be taken care of if I’m ever in need.

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