Oh no! Homos in Maine!

Ok, seriously. Can someone please explain this ad to me?

Apparently it’s the same ad they ran in California for Proposition 8, albeit with a different actor. But it confuses me. I went through school, I did my time, I learned what I was supposed to. I don’t remember learning anything about marriage, though … No, not a single class on marriage. So why would allowing same-sex/gay/homosexual/lesbian/whatever marriage suddenly mean this will be a topic in class?

Sorry, but I think this is yet another scare tactic from those in the world with closed minds. I’m not gay, and honestly, the thought of sex with another man repulses me. But that’s me, and I don’t think it’s proper for me to force others to live like I do. I’ve had many gay friends over the years. And guess what?!?! It didn’t turn me gay! Seriously. I had gay friends, hung out with them, invited them to parties, and yet I still don’t have the urge to suck cock. I know, amazing.. I must be really lucky, because as we all know, gay is a disease. A disease that can be transmitted by merely hearing about it!

Ugh … stupid people sicken me.

Look, whether or not homosexuality is a choice or an inherited trait is irrelevant. It’s none of your business what a person does in the privacy of their own home. In public, people have the right to act how they want, provided it falls within the law. I don’t see you getting all up in arms about a boy/girl couple holding hands or even, *gasp*, kissing! I don’t see a problem with same-sex couples showing the same affection in public, either. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else. The same works for what you hear or see on radios and TV. Don’t like it? Change the station. Don’t like what’s on that web page? Don’t go there.

This is common sense, people. No one is forcing you to agree with this, and no one is forcing you to approve. There’s lots of stuff I don’t approve of. I’ve written about a bunch of it in this blog. But that’s what makes this nation such a great place to live. I can believe what I want, and no one has the right to tell me otherwise. And as long as I’m living within the law, you can all go to hell. 🙂

Can we stop trying to make laws that prevent people from doing things we find offensive? Yeah, we need laws against stuff like murder, rape, etc. But laws against marrying someone of the same sex? Where is the harm in that? It’s not your life!

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