Health Care Collapse

Are You Fucking Kidding Me? Well, I suppose that since the Senate took the idea of healthcare out back, beat the shit out of it, bowed down to the healthcare industry, and shit out a complete waste of paper, maybe this isn’t so bad. But to completely give up like this?

Democrats need to grow a pair and stop screwing around. Sure, the senate bill was a piece of shit, but that’s only because you cowed to Republican pressure, changed things to make them happy, and they voted against it anyway. How about putting together a bill that makes sense. Market the living hell out of it. Make sure America knows exactly how awesome it is, and then see what the Republicans do. Sure, they’ll probably vote no. Then you have a really good case to go back to the public with and say “See? They’re trying to fuck you over, Mr. John Q. Public. We did everything we could and the Republican’s are still trying to stick it to you.” We’ll see how fast that majority comes back.

As for know, I’m completely disgusted with the government as a whole. The Republicans in office are completely useless with their “Vote No” shit. How about using your fucking brains, stop playing games, and make actual decisions.

As for Democrats, you’re a bunch of pussies. You had a majority and you squandered it. That’s what happened in Massachusetts. That’s why Brown is in office and not Coakley. Think about it, they were both horrible candidates. Neither of them would make good Senate material. Although, perhaps in retrospect, they’re both perfect fits… Regardless, the reason Brown won has nothing to do with the Republican view, it has to do with the utter disgust America currently has with Congress in general. Republicans won’t make a decision, and Democrats are fucking everything up and blaming it on attempts at bi-partisanship.

If you’re in office right now and you want to stay there, you need to wake up and look at reality. Stop playing games with people’s lives and start making mature decisions. Screw the party, vote with the people. We elected you, how about you start listening to us. Massachusetts is only the beginning. If things don’t change, and change quickly, I can easily see a lot more lost seats. And if the current Republican view gets in control again, we’re fucked.

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